Publicly available information about legislative drafting

It is no longer true that information about legislative drafting is passed down solely by word of mouth inside legislative drafting offices. Unfortunately most law schools have not caught up with this, and continue to value case-law above legislation. This selection is not meant to be comprehensive and is just to demonstrate that there is plenty out there for anyone who wants to look.

Practitioner hand-books

Official drafting manuals

  • Commonwealth Legislative Drafting Manual by Roger Rose
  • Commonwealth Association of Legislative Counsel gathers the published legislative drafting manuals from many of the Commonwealth countries (including 3 Australian states as well as national, & 2 of the 3 UK devolved parliaments as well as national), the EU and USA (federal plus 31 states). 
  • International Association of Legislation has a set of links to other drafting manuals from European & other countries
  • Individual drafting offices usually publish their own drafting manuals as well.


Academic books

University courses

Those are all postgraduate professional courses. Undergraduate courses about legislative drafting (as opposed to courses on the case-law of statutory interpretation) are sadly rare – one exception, taught with input from Scotland’s  Parliamentary Counsel Office is at Uni of Edinburgh (by Scott Wortley)

Historic books

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